The House of Gains: A Gym for Everyone
“Watching someone I’ve worked with achieve a goal that they themselves didn’t believe they could achieve, that is something,”
Persistence, support, and a love for the game. To the sports fans among us, these are probably qualities that describe your ideal athlete. If you’re a Burgaw resident, you’re lucky enough to have someone like that right in your backyard. We’re talking about Desmond Jordan, of course, a third generation Pender County resident, and the owner, operator, and lead trainer at The House of Gains. Nestled at 112 W Courthouse Ave., this cozy gym boasts all the amenities you’d expect. With free-weights and weight-machines, a variety of high energy classes, affordable personal training options, and summer camps for all ages, there is truly something for every fitness level and preference. After growing up without such a powerful resource, Jordan wanted to provide one for his community, and created a space where members could unlock their true athletic potential.
A competitive athlete since the age of five, Jordan has never been one to shy away from the game. Known in Pender County for his superstar records at Heide Trask High School, Jordan continued his sprint towards success at Winston-Salem State University. It was there he received a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. “It just made sense to get into this field,” Jordan explains, “sports have been the core of my life, pretty much all I’ve ever cared about. It’s what I love to do.” Jordan spent his time at Winston-Salem as a four year collegiate athlete, having high success on both the football and baseball teams. It was there that he set his sights on the National Football League, aiming to play professionally. Life had slightly different plans for Jordan, who ended up with a year long contract to play for the Bielawa Owls, a professional football team based in Poland. Jumping on the opportunity to bulk up his playing resume, Jordan conquered his season abroad — with an undefeated title and a championship win to show for it.
It was at the end of this contract that Jordan really changed the game. In a maneuver that surprised many, he chose to step away from his professional football career and return to the home field. “It was my plan all along,” Jordan revealed, “I know that athletes here don’t have year-round coaching support, and not all parents have a full understanding of what it takes to really make something of yourself as an athlete, especially for college recruitment. They deserve that. I deserved that.” The House of Gains is thus tailored around physical competence, and specializes in sports-related & fitness based training. That doesn’t mean it is just a gym for athletes, however. “Trying to teach people to be more active, or active at all, is not an easy task,” Jordan reflects, “ there is a false belief that training and conditioning is a sport-specific activity. It has been an obstacle to getting the education out there… about what we’re doing, what we’re all about.” So, whether you’re a sport-specific athlete hoping to strengthen and showcase your talents, or simply seeking more accountability through personalized 1:1 sessions, know that The House of Gains is there to help you achieve your goals.
Jordan is no stranger to obstacles along his path — whether it be fighting for an increase of fitness in his area, or simply fighting to open The House of Gains. Jordan struggled to find the right location for his gym, and struck out seven different times before successfully closing on the building his business now calls home. “It just took persistence,” Jordan recalls, “just like with anything else when I play sports… not listening when people tell me that my goals aren’t going to be possible.” This sheer determination and optimism makes Jordan a formidable ally when it comes to helping others, and has continued to serve him well in his business pursuits. Just this week, The House of Gains bulked up by taking over the unit beside the original space, almost doubling the size of the facility. “My ultimate concept is the development of a mega-complex,” Jordan lets on, “one facility with everything. I want to create a positive environment that welcomes everyone in the community.”
Committed to providing fitness training for as many people as possible, Jordan has gotten creative over the years. In fact, The House of Gains is now working directly with insurance companies, with the hopes that more people in Burgaw will be able to access their services. Those that qualify through The Silver Sneaker Program and Renew Active may even have their gym membership covered. Between that and the recent renovations, The House of Gains is poised to have a corner on the fitness market in Pender County. A life-long team player, it’s Jordan’s forward thinking and commitment to his clients that has brought The House of Gains this much success. Luckily, it also serves as the most rewarding part of the job. “Watching someone I’ve worked with achieve a goal that they themselves didn’t believe they could achieve, that is something,” Jordan expresses, “at the end of the day, it’s just about knowing that I made a difference… knowing that my [clients] are taken care of.”
So, if you’re looking to get buff in Burgaw, North Carolina, look no further than The House of Gains. Make sure to check out their Facebook and website to be kept up to date about all class and membership offerings!